Monday, October 3, 2011

in the meantime

wow. second entry. i felt obligated to write something a little more positive given that my comeback entry was kind of depressing. i know that at this moment the possibility of loving again is quite a far fetched idea for me, so i just preoccupy myself with some things that i think might help me (or possibly other people when you go through what i've been through) heal properly and gracefully.

1. yoga - this is where i found complete solace. meditation and yoga helped me find focus and taught me how to accept my flaws and limitations and to let go. it also taught me to appreciate the simple things in life such as the very breath that i take each day. i made some friends in the yoga practice as well.

2. work out - all the pent up anger and frustration has to go and there's no better place like the gym.

3. run - i actually hate running but i got into the habit of joining fun runs for the mere torture. but running 10k actually trains me mentally - that if i can endure running for an hour, then maybe i can take on the more difficult challenges in my life.

4. sing - i love videoke. even though i am not vocally talented, i find joy in singing with friends. and when someone is emotional, that is when singing becomes really heartfelt (e.g. try singing cueshe's ulan).

5. laugh - i try not to read or watch anything really sad or serious lately because i easily get affected, so i watch a lot of comedy programs such as little britain and cougar town. sometimes i just lose myself laughing out loud and it feels good.

6. pray - a lot. i feel like every moment of my day i talk to God, asking for guidance, for patience, for clarity. i pray for some sort of intervention so that i will be able to move on and i really believe that He listens to my prayers.

it was said that you won't be able to see and appreciate the beautiful things in your life without experiencing some rough patches. my experience was truly an eye opener for me that despite the loss that i have experienced, there is so much to gain. happiness is still possible if you let it happen.

i'm back?

it has been a long time since i opened this. i actually forgot that i created this blog in the first place. and it's just sad that i returned here because of certain challenges in my life right now. i was told by someone that i should write down my feelings, especially when i'm upset. that's the main reason why i am here again.

i fell in love. yes, i never thought it would happen again and it did. and unfortunately the guy i fell in love with did not feel the same way. worse part is, he was not brave enough to tell me that so our "relationship" went on for months until such time that i discovered in his phone that he was being intimate with someone else. it was such a devastating thing because i allowed myself to be emotionally accessible and i got screwed up big time. and now after such damage, i don't think that there's something left for us to salvage, not even the friendship that we had. i realized that there were a lot of things he wasn't open enough to tell me from the start, that he can easily share with his other friends online.

this taught me a lot about the lessons in life. lessons about acceptance. about the value of trust. and the value of faith. i do not usually pray daily, but from this i found myself praying almost every moment i can. the priest from the mass yesterday said something about casting your pains and sorrows to the Lord and trusting the immensity of God's mystery. i teared up listening to the priest because for the past months that's what i constantly feel. pain.

i feel so damaged, derailed even. but every morning i always get this strength to get up and go on with my life. i constantly pray for intervention and that's what i always get - through my friends, work and family.

going back to the lesson in acceptance, i accepted a lot of things from this experience. i accepted the fact that love does not happen instantly. love cannot be forced. falling in love has risks. i have accepted that i am not in a good state to be in love again at this point. that i need a lot of healing and breathing time to be able to learn to trust someone again. i have accepted my flaws as a person and that is something that i need to work on.

it might seem sad that i came back in this state, but i'm pretty optimistic that the worst is over. there's no other way but up.