Sunday, July 8, 2007

It's the same old song...

When people ask me the generic question, "Kamusta?" I always tend to say, "Nothing much." I never realized that I'm actually doing a lot these days! Morning is always spent on gym and chores. Time at work is always a good combination of physical/mental labor, training and interaction. When I get home, it's chores once again and a little relaxation time. Friday is my quality time with friends. On weekends I always have dance practice. Sunday I have my baking time.

Maybe I've never seen my life in the eyes of other people. To them, I have always been up and about, always needing to do something as if my life relies on it. Maybe what I'm doing has been routinary that it no longer excites me. Although in the end, the decision's all mine on whether I want my life to be one big routine or a life well spent.

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